Madison County Biocontrol
The MVRG Committee continues to support and facilitate the Madison County Bio-Control Project. The MCBC works to collect, release and redistribute biological control agents that attack noxious weeds.
What We Do.
Each year the crew meets with many private landowners to assess previous releases, prioritize future releases and evaluate noxious weed distribution. They collect and release thousands of these valuable insects that attack noxious weeds annually. The crew surveys and monitors several sites and transects that are providing valuable information about insect populations and vegetation changes over time.
Additionally the MCBC is participating in some of the very first trials in Montana to inoculate Canada thistle populations with a detrimental rust. We are proud to be a part of this important research into a new and exciting biological control method.
Biological Control agents for Spotted knapweed, Leafy spurge, Canada thistle, Dalmatian and Yellow toadflax have been utilized in Madison County.
For more information on the Madison County Biocontrol program contact mvrgbugs@gmail.com or (406) 682-3731.
To learn more about biological control throughout Montana check out the Montana Biocontrol Coordination Project: mtbiocontrol.org